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Ever love running so much you bust into song? Julie Jones does.


Julie Jones is a busy woman. 

An emergency medicine PA, functional medicine practitioner, and mother of 3 littles, she just doesn’t have much time in her schedule for staying active. IMG_8647

And yet, she finds time anyway—

Taking resistance bands with her to work to do physical therapy between patients, or bringing the kids out when she goes on a run.

“I love to be active and some days it’s all about balance and finding what activities work for my busy schedule,” she says. 

Julie’s favorites are running and strength training, and her dedication shows.

She beat her half-marathon PR after 10 years of striving for a new best time– AND did it while pregnant.

But she didn’t stop there. Julie’s continually pushing to improve her speed, especially on 10ks and half marathons. 

Someday, she even hopes to tackle Pike’s Peak Ascent. 

Running just makes her happy, she says. 

Especially when she can belt out a song or two as she’s doing it. 

IMG_2087“I love to sing while on runs and occasionally stop to bust a move in the middle of a run (even though I have no rhythm),” Julie says, “but I’m ok with that because doing so just makes me happy.”

Self-care, and doing what makes you happy, is a top priority in her book. 

As empowering as the PRs and medals are, she exercises “100% for mental health,” she says. 

“I can give more fully of myself to my family and patients when I take care of myself first.”

That means prioritizing your mental health, and seeking preventative care, like strength and mobility conditioning.


Ready to unlock YOUR journey to PRs and pain relief?


9D1DEC6F-353B-41B9-B21C-6E8569417B5D“Preventative care is SOOOO important. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self this - it would have saved so many years of babying recurrent injuries.”

Don’t ever feel selfish for working on yourself, she advises.

“Invest in yourself and your mental/physical wellness and see how everything else falls into place.”



Team Natural Wellness
Post by Team Natural Wellness
Jul 20, 2023 12:52:34 PM
