7 strength training myths we're busting
Just call us the @mythbusters.
We’re celebrating one year of SASS classes this week at NWP, and we just couldn’t be prouder of these Strong and Supportive Sisters!
They’re busting myths about strength training left and right.
Each of these gals is making incredible progress toward their goals, and setting a dang good example for the rest of us about what it means to strength train.
It’s not just an exercise for hulking, muscle-bound athletes.
In fact, strength training is rapidly becoming one of the MOST important things you can do for your health as you age.
We've heard from way too many people who feel like their pain is permanent and there's nothing they can do about it.
So if you've ever had any doubts about lifting weights, let this be your sign: the time is NOW.
Here are 7 myths WE'RE busting about strength training, especially as women.
MYTH #1: "Weightlifting is a young man's sport."
Your Instagram feed might be full of jacked gym bros pumping 200 lbs, but this is an activity for everyone.
Lifting heavy stuff is a key part of staying healthy, no matter your age or gender. Whether you're a fitness newb or a lifelong athlete, strength training is something you CAN and SHOULD do.
MYTH #2: "Weightlifting, at my age? I'll get hurt."
It's no doubt, intense exercise can feel scarier as we age. We're afraid to move quickly, carry heavy things, or do tricky balancing acts.
But the truth is, strength training can actually help you PREVENT injury, giving you stronger joints, improved balance and mobility, and better bone density— which means less risk of breaking something.
MYTH #3: Strength training will take away my flexibility
So, maybe your mental picture of "strength training" Iooks something like a burly bodybuilder hefting dumbbells, with muscles too bulky to move easily.
But unless you're beefing up to be the next Ms. Olympia, you won't need to strength train for purely muscle size — which can be a slight limiting factor in your overall flexibility.
Instead, a well-rounded strength training program will include stretching and mobility exercises, promoting both strength and flexibility.
MYTH #4: It's too late to start now
Ever heard that phrase, "Old dogs can't learn new tricks"?
We think it's bullsh!t.
In our experience, the best time to start a new habit is forever ago, or about 5 years before you think of it.
The second best time is NOW.
As long as you can find your WHY— like wanting to still be active and healthy when your kids start having kids, or preventing injury as you age — you can build ANY new habit at ANY age.
(Of course— it's easier with support. Want to work out with a group of like-minded folks in a non-judgmental, supportive environment? Our Strong and Supportive Sisters class meets every week, and we can't wait to meet you!)
MYTH #5: I'm not a serious athlete, so I don't NEED to train."
Did you know that osteoporosis is one of the leading causes of injuries in women over the age of 50?
And you may not even know you have this “silent disease” until you snap a bone.
1 in 5 women develop this condition in their lifetime, as bodies slow down and stop producing bone mass quite so quickly.
There is no cure. But regularly lifting heavy things can help prevent it, or slow down its progression.
MYTH #6: It'll automatically give me giant muscles.
Look, we get it—
You don't have a problem with awesome, rippling muscles on other folks. But the thought of your physique changing feels a little... wrong? Unappealing? Maybe you're even worried you'll feel less feminine?
Well, first of all, muscles are feminine as F*CK. Let's get that out of the way.
Rosie the Riveter. Wonder Woman. Encanto's Luisa. Maybe, soon, YOU. All gorgeous, strong icons whose muscles are an ASSET.
Secondly — strength training doesn't make you bulky unless you want it to.
There are SO many kinds of exercises besides pure "bodybuilding." When you train with a doctor of physical therapy, it's easy to build the exact training program you need to reach your goals for your body, whether that's improving your flexibility, strengthening your joints, improving bone density, or simply staying active for your health.
MYTH #7: I can't exercise because I'm in pain, FOR LIFE.
You've woken up with knee pain every day for 8 years?
Your back gets stiffer by the week?
You can't seem to find an exercise that doesn't leave you crawling into bed with muscle spasms?
It doesn't have to be this way.
Your pain is PROBLEMATIC but not PERMANENT.
Don't accept a lifetime of chronic stiffness, achiness, and limitations.
If you're tired of steroid shots, generic unhelpful advice, and unnecessary surgery recommendations, you just might find your solution here.
You CAN get back to the activities you love, including your favorite exercises and sports, without medications, injections, or surgery.
At our unique physiotherapy practice, we help you find the RIGHT solutions to your pain, whether that's strength training with Dr. Allison, dry needling with Dr. Courtney, a nutrition program with Coach Rebekah.... or visiting a trusted provider outside our clinic.
Because at the end of the day, unlike many traditional healthcare providers, we're not trying to take your money and shuffle you on out the door. We're here to help you find the BEST path to pain-free, with or without our services.
If you ask the SASSy sisters, you’ll probably hear a long, enthusiastic list of reasons they train with Dr. Allison each week.
But at the top of the list? In Jennifer’s words, it’s “key to keeping me strong and able to do all the things I want to do.”
Way to go, SASy Sisters. Here’s to another year!

Nov 13, 2023 4:25:38 PM