
Unleash the Power: How Deadlifts Strengthen and Rehab Our Lower Backs

Written by Team Natural Wellness | Dec 19, 2023 6:29:46 PM


Tina, our client liaison here at Natural Wellness Physiotherapy, deadlifts in an impromptu session in our East Wichita gym and physical therapy clinic.


Deadlift gets a bad rap. 

If you've ever heard rumors that deadlifts are bad for your lower back, it's time to set the record straight. When done right, barbell deadlifts are not only safe but can be your lower back's best friend. So, let's dive into how these EXTREMELY functional moves can rehab and build resilience around those lumbar tissues.


1. The Magic of a Strong Posterior Chain

Ever heard of the term "posterior chain"? It might sound fancy, but it's just the backside of your body – muscles like your hamstrings, glutes, and, you guessed it, your lower back. Deadlifts work wonders in giving these muscles a serious workout. 

When you focus on building a strong posterior chain, it's like putting a bulletproof vest around your lower back. It becomes a powerhouse ready to tackle anything life throws its way.

For an easy-to-follow posterior chain progression, watch Dr. Courtney's Barbell Deadlift Series.


2. The Heavy Lifting Secret

Now, here's the cool part – lifting heavy can actually make your lower back more durable. Your lower back muscles are like any other muscle group in your body. In order to be robust, they need to be strong. And in order to be strong, they need to be exercised regularly. 

By lifting heavy with deadlifts, you're challenging those muscles, making them stronger, and helping them become resistant to strains. It's like creating a shield for your lower back – who wouldn't want that?

Good technique can keep you from lifting wrong and really hurting yourself in the long run. Strengthen those key muscles — like the whole posterior chain — to safeguard yourself against injury.

This kettlebell swing is a great place to start if you're concerned about your form. It's a movement that can be used to increase everything from low back strength to hip drive to cardiovascular and muscular endurance, but there's a have to do it correctly!




3. Deadlifts: The MVP in Rehab Settings

Deadlifts aren't just for powerlifters and gym bros. They're a secret weapon in physical therapy practices like ours. Why? Because deadlifts mimic real-life movements, making them a versatile exercise. 

Whether you're recovering from an injury or just want to bulletproof your lower back, deadlifts can be tailored to suit your needs. They're like the Swiss army knife of exercises, fitting into any rehab plan seamlessly.

Here's a simple way to predict your probability of lasting low back pain, whether you're recovering from injury, pursuing PRs, or battling chronic achiness.

Check it out— if your "score" indicates you may need to do some work to reduce your risk of low back complications, now you know what exercise is top of the list. (It's deadlifts.)



So, there you have it – deadlifts are not the enemy; they're the best path to durability in your lower back. By focusing on building a strong posterior chain, lifting heavy, and embracing deadlifts in your workout routine, you're giving your lower back a chance to grow and thrive in all of your athletic pursuits.

Next time you're at the gym, don't shy away from the barbell. Give deadlifts a shot, and watch as your lower back transforms begins to unleash the strength within – happy lifting!



Strength training is KEY for staying fit, mobile & active for years to come. Just ask Sandy, Marsha and Jennifer. Our Strong and Supportive Sisters (SASS) Class meets Mondays at 10 a.m. in East Wichita. Come lift heavy with us and a Doctor of Physical Therapy in a fun, supportive environment.