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Instrument Aided Soft Tissue Mobilization

(IASTM / Graston)

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IASTM (also known as Graston Technique) is a specialized manual therapy technique that utilizes specially designed tools to assess and treat soft tissue dysfunctions. Our skilled physiotherapists use these instruments to detect and address areas of scar tissue, fascial restrictions, and muscle imbalances that may be contributing to your pain, limited mobility, or performance limitations.

During an IASTM session at our clinic, our physiotherapists carefully assess your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Using the IASTM tools, they apply controlled pressure and gentle scraping motions along your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This technique helps break down scar tissue, adhesions, and fascial restrictions while promoting blood flow and stimulating the body's natural healing response.

IASTM can be beneficial for various musculoskeletal conditions, including tendonitis, ligament sprains, muscle strains, and post-surgical rehabilitation. By incorporating this technique into our holistic approach, we aim to address the underlying causes of your condition and restore optimal function and performance.

Schedule your free phone consult today.