
Upper Back Stiffness - What To Do

Written by Team Natural Wellness | Apr 22, 2019 8:56:00 PM

Your poor back.

It does so much for you and how do you repay it? By hunkering down in at your desk, staring at a screen all day. That is not a fair exchange. All of that screen time takes its toll. It results in rolled in shoulders and sunken head and sharp points in between our shoulder blades. 

All of the conveniences in the world have removed you from the posture you were designed to have as a hunter/gather, agrarian homo sapien. You’ve reverted to the fetal position.

Rounded shoulders, forward heads, tight backs and hips. These result in what is called, “BAD POSTURE,” technically speaking. If you just read the word, posture and you didn’t sit up a bit straighter, then you’ve already accepted your fate as a shriveled up octagenarian too enfeebled to move yourself around Shady Acres Retirement Home.

But that’s not you, is it? You are going to do something about your posture. You’ve already committed just by clicking this blog post and reading it this far.

I have an unfortunate bit of information. Your posture didn’t achieve its slouchy glory all in one day and it won’t be fixed all in one day either. Now we have the task of undoing years of sitting. Let’s get to it.

We have to periodically work our tight thoracic spine into as much extension as it can tolerate. That’s where our friend the foam roller comes in.

If you don’t got one-GET ONE.

These simple devices have a million and one uses and are a perfect road trip companion.

Stay tuned the next few weeks as we continue our posture series.

Check the video here