
September Athlete of the Month - Harper and Nick

Written by Team Natural Wellness | Sep 25, 2020 6:58:00 PM

They’re newlyweds. They love the outdoors. They both have demanding jobs. And they have made fitness and weightlifting a priority in their lives, growing stronger together!

Meet Nick and Harper Barkley, two athletes who grew up playing team and individual sports and have remained active into adulthood. They both have a competitive drive that helps them stay motivated and dedicated to their fitness goals. 

Harper had two knee surgeries in her teenage years. But now?

“I’m able to squat over 300 pounds, run and be active without restrictions,” she says.

She’s currently working to hit a total of 410kg (903 pounds) in October at the USAPL meet in Texas. 

Nick, who once qualified for a collegiate level cross country meet is currently overcoming some muscle tears and building his core strength before focusing on his lift max numbers again. 

“I’m striving to bench 325, squat 325 and deadlift 425 by the end of 2020,” he says.

So, why do they put so much time and energy into exercise? It’s all about overall wellness and being healthy, balanced people. They’re sharing their journey on their Barkley Barbell YouTube channel  or Instagram


“We are not Instagram models or paid professional athletes. We are everyday people striving to  achieve a higher level of fitness and health. Our hope is that by sharing our story with others, it will help break down walls for those nervous or timid to join the fitness community and begin their own journey.”

When they’re not in their home gym supporting one another in reaching their goals, they’re spending time outdoors and are avid hunters. 

“We take great pride in harvesting our own game to cleanly feed us throughout the year. We enjoy spending our evenings playing Dungeons & Dragons or some other fun and creative game.”

Their best advice to others who are trying to live healthy lives: “Be patient, trust the process, every moment spent pushing yourself is a long term investment.”