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Protein Power: How Eating Enough Boosts Your Health and Performance

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We’re always hearing about how we need to eat more protein…

When I look at a client’s food journal, this is one macronutrient 99% of people are deficient in! 

It’s understandable. We have to be super intentional in order to get enough protein. It’s not always the most convenient  thing to grab for meals or snacks.  And a lot of “grab-n-go” protein options out there are full of crazy ingredients and a ton of added sugar. 

Why protein is so important

Protein is like the superhero of nutrients. It does A LOT for your body!

  • It helps build and repair tissues
  • makes enzymes and hormones
  • boosts your immune system
  • helps reduce cravings
  • helps stabilize blood sugar 

So, getting enough protein is super important to our health and how our body functions, especially if you're into working out and being active.

When you eat protein, it gets broken down into amino acids, which are the building blocks for all the good stuff happening in your body.

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What if I don’t get enough?

If you’re regularly shorting yourself on protein, things can go downhill. Your body won't have enough materials to repair and maintain your tissues properly, which can lead to problems like muscle breakdown, a crummy immune system, a slower metabolism and slow healing.

If you're an athlete or a gym enthusiast, protein is your best friend! It helps your muscles grow and repair themselves, making you stronger, faster, and more durable. Plus, it helps prevent your hard-earned muscles from breaking down during workouts, which means less soreness and a quicker recovery time. Who doesn't want that?

Protein for weight management

Protein isn't just about muscles, though. It's also got your back when it comes to managing your weight.That’s because it’s a champ at keeping you feeling full and satisfied. It beats out carbs and fats in the hunger game, so you're less likely to stuff your face with not-so-good-for-you food. That makes it easier to lose weight and feel fit.

How much do I need?  

Getting enough protein is crucial for staying healthy and performing at your best, especially if you're all about that active lifestyle. 

How much you need depends on a lot of factors, including your age, gender, weight, and how much you move during the day. As a general rule, aim for around 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day. 

For a 140 lb adult female, that’s 75 - 126g/day. That’s anywhere from 25g  - 42g/meal. 

For a 170 lb adult male, that’s 93 - 154g/day, or anywhere from 31g - 52g/meal.

Take a closer look at your protein intake and see how your numbers stack up. If you'd like help with increasing your protein consumption, reach out!


Rebekah Morse
Post by Rebekah Morse
Jun 5, 2023 2:20:46 PM
Rebekah is the People Operations Manager at Natural Wellness Physiotherapy and a Nutrition Coach for Natural Wellness clients. Having taught in public schools for 13 years and overcome her own personal health struggles, she uses the skills she developed as an educator, strategies she’s learned on her journey and her nutrition training to coach clients to improve their eating and lifestyle habits. “I really enjoy working with clients who are done with diets and ready to achieve their health and wellness goals in a way that makes sense for them, that is realistic for their unique life and is sustainable so they can feel their best long-term.” Rebekah has helped clients lose weight, reduce medications, improve their bloodwork, gain energy, build confidence in making food choices, recover faster and improve their athletic performance. “The best part of my job is knowing people are improving their long-term health. I also love helping people navigate and power through the hard times, which are always a part of making real, lasting change.” Rebekah enjoys traveling with her family, running, hiking, mountain biking and photography.
