
November Athlete of the Month - Jordan Becquer

Written by Team Natural Wellness | Nov 26, 2019 9:38:00 PM

Jordan Becquer, a flight test engineer at Textron Aviation, has been running competitively since high school. He hails from Minnesota and one of his proudest athletic accomplishments is running the Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, MN. 

He is currently training for the Space Coast Half in Cape Canaveral, FL, where his goal is to place on the podium, which means a finishing time of 1:38 or a 7:30 pace. 

Jordan runs to stay in shape so that he can take part in his favorite activity: ultimate frisbee. “I got into ultimate frisbee when I was a sophomore in high school. Leading up to that, I was wrestling and playing baseball, but neither of those sports clicked strongly with me. I wanted to do something different and I ended up trying ultimate frisbee. I loved it and have been playing it ever since.”

Part of what keeps Jordan playing is the competitive release it offers. “I typically play defense and its a mental and physical challenge to keep up with the offensive players.”

He also loves the ultimate frisbee community. “Everywhere I go I try and play in a local pickup game and it’s always a fantastic experience. On personal trips, I've had the opportunity to play ultimate in several different states and three countries.”

Fun fact: Jordan has his level 1 rocketry certification, which allows him to launch high powered rockets. “I haven't launched as many rockets since I've graduated college, sadly. I believe only three, with the last launch resulting in a minor fire that destroyed the launch pad, and I haven't gotten around to building a new one.”

Jordan’s advice for staying active and getting your workouts in is to just get through the toughest part: taking the first step. “Getting out of bed early to run can be miserable, but once you take the first step out the door, you’ll get over it. I’ve never regretted going out for a run, I have regretted sleeping in and blowing past a training day.”